Since 1974 we are consulting foreign companies offering their products and services mainly to governmental customers. We keep good contacts to different ministries. We mainly offer Products related to traffic safety directly. Knowing the language and habits of both the European and the Arabic culture helps us to achieve our and our customers goals more efficiently. We are working together with local partners in Cairo and Alexandria.

We like to share our expertise in building up new projects for local production in Egypt, based on previous successful projects that we have jointly built in Egypt and the UAE. The business climate has improved in the last few years in Egypt, where we see great opportunities for foreign companies to enter the huge Egyptian consumer market. The average wages in the industrial sector are even lower than in China.

Together with an Egyptian web agency we are offering web-based solutions, such as websites, which we mainly program individually from scratch. We are offering this service exclusively in Switzerland. This activity allows us to educate an apprentice in this field. Just recently the third apprentice successfully received her qualification. This website was also designed and programmed by us.

… is an amazing element. In the 1950s Russian scientists have managed to split water in alkaline and acidic water. Later the Japanese have minified the needed equipment to achieve the same goal opening a new market for water they named Kangen Water. This water with an adjustable pH value, a negative voltage, excess hydrogen and a smaller cluster size is similar to water found in many healing springs around the world.